Ethics is the conception of right and wrong to conduct that tells us whether our behavior is moral or immoral, good or bad. Ethics deals with fundamental human relationships how we think and behave, toward others and how we want them to think and behave towards us. Ethical principles are guide to moral behavior. Ethical relativism which holds that ethical principles should be defined in context of various periods in history, a society's traditions, the special circumstances of the moment or personal opinion.

. The application of general ethical ideas of business behavior. Business ethics is not a special set of ethical ideas different from ethics in general and applicable only to business. Business should not try to makeup its own definitions of what is right and wrong. Employees and managers may believe at times that they are permitted or even encourage to apply special or weaker ethical rules to business situations, but society does not condone or permit such an exception.
- Abusive or intimidating behaving towards employees
- Lying to employees, customers, vendors on the public
- Violation of safety regulations
- Misreporting of actual time worked
- Sexual harassment
- Stealing or theft
- Discrimination on the basis, or colour,race,gender,age pr similar,age of similar categories.
Why are some countries more corrupt than others: They are like that because there is regulatory power of state, economic development, education and human capital, public sector wages, culture and social norms and expectations on corruption.
- To meet demands of business stakeholders: Some businesses know that meeting stakeholders is good business.
- To enhance business performance: It is good for business to be ethical so that it will enhance the firms performance or simply, ethics pay.
- To comply with legal requirements: Doing business ethically is often a legal requirement.
- To prevent or minimize harm: They should act ethically to prevent harm to the general public and the corporation's many stockholders " Do no harm"
- To promote personal morality: In businesses most people want to act in ways that are consistent with their own sense of right and wrong.
- The more ethical you are, the more profitable you get.
- Personal gain and selfish interest:
- Competitive pressures on profits
- Conflicts of interest
- Cross-cultural contradictions
- Justice
- Relativism
- Right
- Utilitarianism
RELATIVISM: Ethics and morality are relative to time,place,circumstances and person involved. What is correct for ones society may be wrong for another.
Problems in relativism:
- There are no absolutes
- Leads to conclusion each opinion is correct
- Nothing that anyone does is morally wrong.
B1+B2+B3+..+Bn>C1+C2+C3...+Cn this is ethical because the benefits in greater than the consequences.
B1+B2+B3+..+Bn<C1+C2+C3...+C this is unethical because the benefits is less than consequences.
Restrictions against the majority to protect a minority is not utilitarian. for example when you go to the airport and the workers begin to pick on their customers.
RIGHT: When a person is entitled to something or is entitled to something to be treated in a certain way. E.g Free speech, freedom, denying these right is considered unethical. People are valuable because they are humans. There are also limitations in rights: Difficulties in balancing conflicting rights for example; Employees right to privacy may be at odds with the employers right to protect the firm's assets by testing the employees honesty.