What is corporate culture?
Shared beliefs, ideas, customs, assumptions, values, norms and feelings about what things are good, and feelings about what things are good, and normal in achieving the organizational goals.
Function of culture.
Culture is the social glue that helps hold an organization together by providing appropriate standards for what employees should say or do.
How employees learn culture and how it is reinforced.
- shaking hands
- past, present
- size of office
- rituals
- stories
- material symbols
- language
The unspoken understanding among employees of what is and is not acceptable behavior is called on Ethical climate.
Components of ethical climates.
1. Self interest approach: self interest, company interest, economic efficiency (egoism)
2. Benevolence (concern for others approach): Friendship interest, team interest, social interest.
3. Principle: (integrity approach): Person morality, company rules/procedures, law and professional conduct.
Business ethics across organizational function.
1. Accounting Ethics.
2. Financial ethics.
3. Marketing ethics
4. Information ethics
Making ethics work in organization.
1. Developed code of ethics
2. Promoted ethics at work
3. Establish ethics hotline
4. Report bad behavior
5. Offered ethics training
6. Conducted audit or evaluation
Law and ethics are not quite the same.
Law: are a society's attempt to formalize rules e.g harrasment
Ethics: are more complex than written rules of law e.g relationships
What, if I may ask, are the advantages of corporate culture? Why is it important for businesses to have it? And are there no business especially in Nigeria that have survived without corporate culture or do they practice it unknowingly. Overall i am very clear on the ethics aspect but the corporate culture intrests me more.
ReplyDelete*Law: is"not are"* same as ethics